BIS, BISS AM/Can CH Silvercreek Casbar Cheers

Best In Sweepstakes at 6 months old
Best of Opposite Sweepstakes
Puppy Sporting Group 3 at 6 months old
Multiple Best in Breed at 6 months of age
Best Puppy in Show at 7 months
Multiple Puppy Sporting Group 1's
Best In Show at 16 months of age
Judges Award of Merit Westminster Kennel Club 2004
Judges Award of Merit Westminster Kennel Club 2006
Judges Award of Merit National Specialty 2006
Best of Breed National Specialty 2007
2007 Best Of Breed winner at Westminster KC
Best In Show at 16 months of age
Kennel Club 2004
Judges Award of Merit WestminsterKennel Club 2006
Judges Award of Merit National Specialty2006
Best of Breed National Specialty 2007
2007 Best Of Breed winner atWestminster KC
Multiple Group Winner in 2008
2008 Ended the year as the # 2 Chesapeake
BOS at the 2008 Chesapeake Bay RetNational Specialty
Westminster Kennel Club Best of BreedWinner 2009
**Cheers had "back to back" wins at the Garden in 2008 & 2009 at 7 years old**

BISS Am/Can Silvercreek All in the Family, JH

(BIS Am/Can CH Silvercreek Remington Steele JH WD x Am/Can CH Silvercreek Moonlighting)
2005 Winner of the Canadian National Specialty
Multiple group placer
Booster Supported Entry Winner
2007 Westminster Kennel Club 1st Award of Merit
Owned/Handled by: Diane Ammerman, Joanne Silver, & Mark Desrosiers
Casbar Labradors Breeder of Labs Chessies Water Spaniels